Part 43: …And Just Two Would Be Silly
Chapter 22: …And Just Two Would Be Silly
The good Signor won’t show until “Sunset Approaches,” but fortunately the Ugarte and the Zayishah encounters have skipped time forward to “Mid-afternoon.”
It is a pity about our friend Ugarte, is it not? I can see you are as broken up by the affair as I am.
Well, I wouldn’t really say—
However, it seems he asked someone the wrong questions about you. That was just a performance put on for your benefit this morning. Khaveen has known about Ugarte’s water smuggling for a long time. A most dangerous man, Khaveen. Almost as dangerous as you are. But I tire of the subject. If you wish to discuss something to our mutual advantage, come sit down.
As I have said before, there is no room for amateurs in this city. They tend to call attention to themselves, and this gives the profession a bad name.
Hey now, I’ve broken into sheriffs’ houses before.
Really? If you are as skilled as that, then I might have a use for you. However, first you must prove yourself. Are you willing to do me a small favor?
How small?
I wish you to bring me a small ornament to prove your skills. This ornament is the black figure of a bird, a falcon. I am an admirer of birds, you see.
Not really.
Nevertheless, you must do this for me if you want my favor, and you will not work in this town unless you do. The place is the window on your right as you first enter the Fountain Plaza from here. The bird is kept in a locked cabinet in that room. If you return this to me, I will make you my right-hand man.
What about Wilmer?
Wilmer there just does not have quite what it takes to get me what I want. To get past the guards outside, you have only to make the “sign.” Those guards are well paid to ignore my friends. However, any other guard you meet will not be so discreet. If you are caught, I will know nothing of your actions, of course.
Standard guildmaster clause, yeah. When should I get to it?
Now seems like an excellent time for such a venture. Good luck, sir, and I do hope you are as skilled as I suspect.
What if I’m not?
Whatever you do, don’t exit the inn and return immediately. Ferrari doesn’t like that.
Right then, getting to it.
Now then, whose right did he say it was on? Oh well, I’ll just go through the unbarred window.
Wow, rope, when aren’t you useful?
How the hell did I get over here?
*As your eyes adjust, you find yourself in a bedroom. Someone is asleep nearby, surrounded by thin curtains. The occupant of this bedchamber must collect weapons, for there are many attached to the walls.*
I wonder who’s in the fruity tent thing? Wait, did I just say that out loud? Oh cra—
Like the other robbery locations, you can technically get through this area without any skill in Sneak. It requires going VERY slowly and patiently, however, since the floor will squeak a great deal more when you don’t sneak.
There it is. Just open it up and—
The creaky cabinet hinge here can lead to an unwinnable scenario. If you never bought oil from the apothecary but still make the thief sign to Ferrari, you will be stuck between two situations that will kill you to trigger them.
Hey, is that a guard in the next room?
Good thing I’ve got this oil with me.
*As you hold the bird in your hand, for a moment you wonder, “Is this the stuff dreams are made of?” You decide: “Nah,” and put it away.*
You know, it just doesn’t seem like that much to me, just another black bird like the one in the bandit’s treasure chamber. Oh well.
Did you find it? Give me the bird, quickly!
Well, if you say so.
Do you know what we have here? The sole reason I came to this desert-driven country. For seventeen years, I have sought the black bird. I alone knew that this bird was worth a sultan’s ransom. Let me look, let me see.
It seems that the joke is upon me. This is not the real Black Falcon.
Seventeen years for a fake, huh? Harsh.
I did not spend it all in Shapeir! Excuse me. This was not your fault. You see, there were four of these made. Only one had any value.
It was carved from pure onyx.
…That’s a lot of onyx.
I’m glad you understand. But it seems I must continue my search. If you are interested, I would not be adverse to having such a resourceful and skilled person such as yourself by my side. If you could but learn to curve those unfortunate heroic tendencies, you would make an excellent partner.
When we first met, I could feel there was dark within you. Now I can see that the light is stronger, if you will only let it be so. It is a narrow path between darkness and light, and you will always walk that tightrope in your soul.
[End Flashback]
Wait a second, screw that lion! Let’s do this, Signor Ferrari!
Wonderful. Leave me, now. I have a good deal of planning to do.
It has been a pleasure dealing with you, my dear sir.
…That sounded like a goodbye. What’s going on? Ferrari? Wilmer?
You are under arrest for breaking the law of Raseir on this day, the 29th of the Serpent, Year of the Djinn. Come quietly, or you will be taken by force.
That’s what I get for helping a beautiful lady and an ugly, ugly old man.
*You briefly consider struggling with the guards, but realize that there are just too many of them. You follow the guard through the dark streets, past the gates of the palace, and into the dungeon of Raseir.*
*After being dragged to the dungeon of the palace, you were roughly searched, beaten, and questioned by the guards. They warned you that Khaveen will be coming soon to personally question you, and that you won’t enjoy it.*
Oh hey, you’re that Katta guy I heard about, right? Sheema’s cousin?
You know of Sheema?
Oh yeah, she was one of the first Katta I’d ever seen, along with her husband. In fact, they’re the ones who got me to come here to Raseir.
Oh how I wish that could be true. But I have dealt with traitors and spies before. I would need to see some kind of token as evidence.
A token? Let’s see…
I guess that Katta magic stuff really worked. They didn’t see the pin at all when they were searching me. How about this?
A pin like that can only be seen by a friend, such is its magic. You must be very trusted by my people to gain such a thing.
Well, thanks. Any chance you could help me escape now?
You must get us past the cage door first.
I think I can do that. By the way, how come you’re the only one who stayed when the Katta were kicked out?
The grandmothers of our grandmothers’ grandmothers were born in this place. Katta have lived here before there was even a city. No one can keep the Katta from their home. The Katta will come back.
If you say so.
Sure glad this pin is so useful. It’s such a simple lock, too. Now what?
I have heard from others in the Underground that there is a concealed passage in the room outside this cell.
Don’t forget to collect your things from the table. But do not dally too long, or the guards will surely come.
I wonder if I’m forgetting something. Let’s see, I was placed in an unguarded cell with a simplistic lock I might as well have bashed open
[the spell Open works too], there’s a secret passage just in the next room with all my stuff, and my sole companion is the only member of the Underground who could have led me to safety through the tunnels. Hmmmm…no, seems normal to me.
*The Katta leads you through dark passages under the palace to a secret exit into the Raseir streets. Sharaf warns you that tomorrow night the Underground plans to attack the palace and overthrow the Emir. He shows you the passage that leads back towards the Blue Parrot Inn and reminds you to be wary of guards. Then he bids you good luck and scurries off.*
Now where the hell am I? Might as well just pick a direction and start walking.
Hey, what the? Why can’t I move?
Your Friend, Ad Avis
Nike, I am your friend. Remember your friend, Ad Avis. Remember my voice. Remember my face. Trust me, I am your friend.
Aw crap, this is the evil wizard dude! I gotta remember to avoid his eyes!
Nike, I am your friend. I am your friend, and you trust me. Trust in my words. Trust in my eyes. Look in my eyes, and trust me.
Damn it, he said eyes! Now I have to look…are they supposed to swirl like that?
Nike, I am your friend. Obey now your friend, Ad Avis. Obey now my words. Obey now my voice. Trust in your friend, and Obey me.
Hey now, this guy isn’t so bad. Why did I call him evil before? After all, he could have been a sponsor for me if I hadn’t gone with Erasmus.
Nike, you know me. I am your friend, Ad Avis, who helped you escape from the dungeons of Raseir. Together we seek to aid our friend, Emir Arus. I was his trusted vizier, remember?
Oh yeah, of course you were. Why would I hate the guy who has been helping me all this time? Stupid me!
To end the evil reign of Khaveen and restore our friend Emir Arus, together we must go out into the desert. We must journey to the Forbidden City, and recover the magic item that will break the spell upon the Emir. We NEED to get the statue of Iblis!
Well of course, but…haven’t I heard that name before? Aziza said something…
You remember the statue of Iblis, don’t you? It has remarkable powers, and can break any spell it touches. We need to take the statue to Arus, our friend. Together, let us save the city of Raseir!
*He puts his arm on your shoulders and you smile. Here is a man of great wisdom that you have trusted and respected, and he needs your help.*
With Ad Avis on our side, how can we fail?